Django, Django

I saw Django Unchained for the second time last night and it definitely still holds up. It’s just such an awesome movie, it just makes me love Tarantino as a writer and director even more.

It’s a fun film that disguises within the bloodshed, swearing and ultra-violence a very strong message, not to mention being quite a confronting film itself.

There’s controversy around it, but of course there was going to be. It’s a film about slavery. But despite all the cries of ‘racism’ from people who haven’t seen the film, I couldn’t see anything racist about it – except of course for the obviously racist characters, who were all seen as bad people. In fact, if I were to take any message from this movie, it would be that racism is terrible or that race does not determine what kind of person someone will be.

Just… Go see Django.


I was dancing with Zimmer frames today. I’m not a terribly good dancer, by my own admission (I’m always the first to say so) so I try my hardest to learn the moves quickly, in order to compensate.

I think it kind of works, I usually stand at the back, but I try to rock that back row as much as I can.

Today with the Zimmer frames was definitely something new!


Soon… and I mean soon.

As in, right after I write this post, my brother and I shall be watching the latest two episodes of How I Met Your Mother. I liked how they ended the last half of the season, so I’m excited to see where they’re taking it. I must admit I’m not too happy that they’ve been extended for another full season after this one – I think they should definitely finish it soon.

But, I’m sure I’ll enjoy whatever they bring out… unless it turns to complete crap (which I don’t think it will). Until we find out, however, I’m sure my brother and I shall enjoy getting up to speed on the latest episodes.

Imogen Heap

There is something about the way that woman sings and the way that woman arranges music that is absolutely divine.

I had the great fortune to see her live once and it was one of the greatest musical experiences I’ve ever had. The way she worked the stage, the way she worked the instruments, the way she made it such an intimate gig – telling little stories about all of the songs, involving the audience to the point that we were her backing track and she sang over the top of us, rocking an incredible keytar solo…

One of my favourite songs, ‘Hide and Seek’, came on randomly today, and I melted for those four minutes – I love it so much. Actually, it was because of my girlfriend and an amazing present she gave me which allowed me to listen to the song today.

I love my girlfriend so much.

Spontaneous Sondheim

I always randomly burst into song, but lately it’s always been – you guessed it – Sondheim.

At the moment, the most popular ones are:

‘It’s hot up here… It’s hot and it’s monotonous.’

‘I love/hate to travel!’

‘*Insert Sondheim frog noises here*’

Or whatever lyrics I remember from ‘Finishing the Hat’.

I often wonder what I sound like to people in public… It must be fun for them.