My Un-Edited Emotional Response to the Finale of How I Met Your Mother

Okay, I’ve got a little bit of suppressed rage that I need to get out of my system first. And yes, I’m perfectly aware that it’s probably silly to get so worked up over the fictional ending to some fictional characters, but the beauty of art – especially television – is that, when done correctly, you can get attached to characters you know aren’t real. You can feel their pain and their happiness, their prides and joys as if they really did exist, as if they were friends that you actually caught up with for half an hour each week. That’s the magic of art, and How I Met Your Mother was one of the most magical television series I’ve ever had the pleasure of watching. It’s one of my favourite television shows of all time and my feelings about the finale do not change that. I shall continue to re-watch How I Met Your Mother with the same love that I always have.

That said…


I probably could have expressed that a little better, and I intend to (Disclaimer: I may or may not have expressed myself better, this is a bit of an unedited mess, but bear with me…), but… Yeah… That pretty much sums it up.

It’s no secret that I’m not the biggest fan of the ‘Will-They/Won’t-They’ trope – it’s overdone and boring and when a show gets too caught up in it, it just gets stagnant. The main times in which I would criticise HIMYM was whenever they brought back the ‘Ted/Robin’ pairing that they had shot down so many times. (Which they did… every time they brought up the idea of Ted and Robin getting back together, they ended it by coming the realisation that they weren’t good for each other – again). And they brought Robin and Barney together so well, and everything seemed to fit – Lily and Marshall had each other from the beginning, Robin and Barney stumbled into each other in the middle and Ted and The Mother (her real name is Tracy, which I think fits her quite well) brings things to a close. That would have worked perfectly.

Then they brought in Cristin Milioti, who was absolutely astounding in her role. Within seconds, we’d fallen in love with her as if we were Ted. In the disjointed ninth season, Milioti was perfect every moment she appeared on screen. So, everyone was totally on board with Ted and Tracy getting together and having their happy ending.

Then… after a sentence, we were expected to be completely okay with Tracy getting sick and dying and her loving, devoted husband and ridiculously patient children being okay with it, to the point of the kids encouraging their father to run into the arms of their Aunt Robin. He holds up the blue French-horn to her as she looks down from her window, they smile and roll credits.

No. No, no, no. No, no, no, no. You can’t do this to me, Ted. No, no, no, no. No.

Ted and Robin had their run, and it was amazing. The episodes of their relationship were some of the greatest of the show’s run, but that wasn’t just because Ted and Robin were together. But then it ended, and we were devastated, but we moved on because we realised that Ted and Robin were not meant to be, and that some other shining star would be the mother of Ted’s children. We moved on, but the show didn’t, and I returned to groaning every time Ted confessed that he had feelings for Robin again.

Until the final season, funnily enough. Ted’s feelings for Robin threatening his relationship with her and Barney so much that he has to move was an interesting storyline, and it only highlighted the necessity for Tracy’s appearance; that she would be the thing that finally allowed him to move past the one that got away and he could get the happy ending he really deserved. Throughout the ninth season, we saw Ted fighting to get over Robin, to completely tear all ties that they could be together, to the point where I was so friggen’ certain that it had been put to bed for good. But… apparently not.

Here are my main issues: if Ted and Robin were always going to end up together, why hype up the Mother at all? Why spend an entire season allowing us to fall in love with her, only for them to snatch her away and literally kill her with a line of dialogue?

If Barney and Robin were always going to get divorced, why allow us to get so attached to their relationship? Or why did they allow the couple to be married for about seven minutes of screen time before pulling the plug? Why did they make such a big deal about their wedding if it all came to naught?

There’s a part of me that can’t fathom how badly Carter Bay and Craig Thomas missed with this finale. In fact, it’s not even the whole finale – there were parts of it that were actually, literally perfect. Barney’s immediate devotion to his newborn child was beautifully played out, even if the Mother of his child was only ‘Number 31’; Marshall and Lily’s lives seemed pretty much how we all expected them to be, and that was lovely; Ted and Tracy actually meeting each other was exactly what we waited nine years for, not to mention all the pitch-perfect snapshots of their lives together that we did get.

But did they really need to get Ted and Robin back together? Was it just for one more twist? One more swerve that people didn’t see coming (except a loud group of people did see it coming, and have seen it since the very first episode…)?

If they needed a twist, you know what I would have done?

I would have killed Robin instead of the Mother.

I thought of this earlier today and thought This had to be it’.

Why did Ted start the story of how he met Tracy with the night he met Robin? Because she died. Because she was a huge part in his children’s lives and then she was gone; and since he eventually met Tracy because Robin was marrying Barney, the stories tied together. She was a huge part of his life; it only makes sense that he’d want to convey that to his children, who’d just lost their Aunt.

The finale, as it stands, just tasted wrong. Not bad, wrong. Like I said before, the parts that were good were practically perfect, but some of it was just wrong. And I realise that I’m not expressing myself particularly well and I probably could do a better job writing this in a couple of days, but I just feel that I need to get this out there now. Maybe I’ll come back to it, maybe not. But for now, wrong is the only word I can think of.

I think the worst part of it, for me, was how convinced I was that they were going to absolutely nail the finale. Say what you want about How I Met Your Mother, but they always made the moments that mattered matter, so all throughout the shaky ninth season, I was telling myself ‘They’re going to do it. They’re going to succeed beyond all doubt.’

What makes it worse was that they’ve planned this ending since the beginning, but it feels like the exact opposite. It feels like they’ve worked their way towards one ending for so long, and changed their mind at the last minute, but that’s the exact opposite of what actually happened.

I almost can’t comprehend that they screwed this up…

I actually can’t…


Oscar Predictions


Have I mentioned I’m a fan of the Oscars? I’m sure it must have come up once or twice. In any case, this has been a bit of a tough year to call, I’m not going to lie. I’ve found that in previous years, there’s been one film that’s stood up and slapped me in the face, telling me that yes, that’s the film that’s going to win, but that’s not the case for me this year. I think that the film that should win Best Picture (Zero Dark Thirty) and the film that I think will win (see below) are two different things. There just seems something wrong about the way the nominations played out – there are some very glaring omissions from this year, especially when it comes to the Director category.

Anyway, for today, my brother and I have listed who we think will win the Oscars (as well as who we think should come in second place – it’s our ‘safety net’ to determine who wins the tipping competition [we’re very competitive when it comes to awards and we’ve drawn too many times]).

So, who do you think will take home the trophy? Who do you think is most deserving?

I just can’t wait.

Category Me My Brother
Best Picture Argo Zero Dark Thirty
Lincoln Argo
Lead Actor Daniel Day-Lewis Daniel Day-Lewis
Hugh Jackman Bradley Cooper
Lead Actress Jessica Chastain Jessica Chastain
Jennifer Lawrence Jennifer Lawrence
Supporting Actress Anne Hathaway Anne Hathaway
Seriously? Amy Adams
Supporting Actor Christoph Waltz Christoph Waltz
Tommy Lee Jones Robert DeNiro
Best Animated The Pirates! Band of… Wreck-It Ralph
Wreck-it Ralph Frankenweenie
Cinematography Life of Pi Life of Pi
Lincoln Skyfall
Costume Design Les Miserables Anna Karenina
Lincoln Mirror Mirror
Directing Steven Spielberg David O. Russell
Ang Lee Steven Spielberg
Editing Argo Argo
Zero Dark Thirty Zero Dark Thirty
Foreign Language Film Amour Amour
No A Royal Affair
Makeup and Hairstyling The Hobbit Les Miserables
Les Miserables The Hobbit
Original Score Life of Pi Life of Pi
Skyfall Skyfall
Original Song Skyfall Skyfall
Everybody Needs A… Everybody Needs A…
Production Design Life of Pi Life of Pi
Les Miserables Les Miserables
Sound Editing Zero Dark Thirty Zero Dark Thirty
Django Unchained Life of Pi
Sound Mixing Les Miserables Les Miserables
Life of Pi Lincoln
Visual Effects Life of Pi Life of Pi
The Hobbit The Hobbit
Adapted Screenplay Lincoln Argo
Argo Silver Linings Playbook
Original Screenplay Django Unchained Zero Dark Thirty
Zero Dark Thirty Moonrise Kingdom

Skill Testers

Skills testers are vile, horrible things that gobble up your money and infuriate you beyond belief.

And I finally won something from one!!! Hell yeah! I won my girlfriend a Pikachu – and it was totally the one I was aiming for and was in no way a fluke or anything luck related. And it totally didn’t take ages and a million tries.

But it was worth it. Oh Lord, was it worth it!

I’m actually ashamed to say that in our relationship in which we have been together for almost two-years-two-months, this is the first stuffed toy that I have won her. Whether that says I’m a bad boyfriend or just terrible at winning stuffed toys, I’m not sure… either way, I come out badly.

The prize winning in question took place before we went to see the film Ted which, I am pleased to say, was much better than I thought it would be. When I first heard that Seth MacFarlane was making a movie about a drug-using teddy bear, I must say that I was quite interested. I mean, I thought it was a great idea, and MacFarlane is a good person to pull off an idea like that – the later seasons of Family Guy aside.

I thought it was a very funny, very quick movie and I’m really glad I went to see it. I’m sure that some people won’t like it, but some people will. And I was part of those people!

I had fun tonight.